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Self Employment Visas

Visa for Self Employment in New Zealand

Types of Investor Visa

    There are two types of visas that allow you to invest in the country, which will also grant you residence:
  • Investor 1 resident visa: If you invest 10 million NZD (6,5 million USD) in the country over the course of three years, you and your family can live in New Zealand indefinitely.
  • Investor 2 resident visa: If you are under 65 years of age and you invest 3 million NZD (2 million USD) over the course of four years, you and your family can live in New Zealand indefinitely. However, there is a quota of 400 people for this type of visa.

Residency Permits: Temporary and Permanent

In general, all visas in New Zealand are temporary and automatically grant you residence for its duration. If you want to become a permanent resident in New Zealand, you will first have to apply for a temporary residence permit and only later, apply for permanent residence in New Zealand. Beware, that only some visas allow you to bring your spouse and immediate family with you. New Zealand does not have a fiance visa in its migration law.

However, not all temporary visas can lead to residence—there are specific visa types that can be extended and eventually lead to residence. These types of visas are explained below, as well as all the necessary temporary residence permit requirements, steps, benefits, and fees.

Typically, to become a permanent resident you must be 55 or younger and have worked in New Zealand for two years on a temporary visa.

Temporary Visas that Lead to Permanent Residence and How to Apply

    Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa
  • You can apply if you have the relevant skills and experience.
  • You must be 55 or younger, a skilled worker, and can claim 160 points on INZ’s point scale for Skilled Migrant Expression of Interest.
  • Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa.
  • You may apply for this visa if your employer’s business moves to New Zealand.
    Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa 
  • You must have relevant skills and talents needed in New Zealand.
  • You should be under 55 and have a job offer for a full-time position for two years that pays 55.000 NZD (35.000 USD) a year.
  • Your employer has to be accredited by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).